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Effects of activity strategy training on pain and physical activity in older adults with knee or hip osteoarthritis: A pilot study ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00613678.




Objective To examine effects of activity strategy training (AST), a structured rehabilitation program taught by occupational therapists and designed to teach adaptive strategies for symptom control and engagement in physical activity (PA). Methods A randomized controlled pilot trial was conducted at 4 sites (3 senior housing facilities and 1 senior center) in southeastern, lower Michigan. Fifty-four older adults with hip or knee osteoarthritis (mean ± SD age 75.3 ± 7.1 years) participated. At each site, older adults were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 programs: exercise plus AST (Ex + AST) or exercise plus health education (Ex + Ed). The programs involved 8 sessions over 4 weeks with 2 followup sessions over a 6-month period, and were conducted concurrently within each site. Pain, total PA and PA intensity (measured objectively by actigraphy and subjectively by the Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors questionnaire), arthritis self-efficacy, and physical function were assessed at baseline and posttest. Results At posttest, participants who received Ex + AST had significantly higher levels of objective peak PA ( P = 0.02) compared with participants who received Ex + Ed. Although not statistically significant, participants in Ex + AST tended to have larger pain decreases, increased total objective and subjective PA, and increased physical function. No effects were found for arthritis self-efficacy. Conclusion Although participants were involved in identical exercise programs, participants who received AST tended to have larger increases in PA at posttest compared with participants who received health education. Future studies will be needed to examine larger samples and long-term effects of AST.
机译:目的探讨活动策略培训(AST)的效果,这是由职业治疗师教授的结构化康复计划,旨在教授症状控制和参与体育活动(PA)的适应性策略。方法在密歇根州东南部的4个地点(3个高级住房设施和1个高级中心)进行了一项随机对照试验。五十四名患有髋关节或膝关节骨关节炎的老年人(平均年龄±SD年龄为75.3±7.1岁)参加了研究。在每个站点,将老年人随机分配到以下两个程序之一:运动加AST(Ex + AST)或运动加健康教育(Ex + Ed)。该计划在4个星期内共进行了8次会议,并在6个月内进行了2次随访,并在每个站点中同时进行。在基线和后测中评估疼痛,​​总PA和PA强度(通过笔法客观测量,并通过社区健康活动模型计划针对老年人进行主观测量),关节炎的自我效能和身体功能。结果在事后测试中,接受Ex + AST的受试者的客观峰值PA水平显着高于接受Ex + Ed的受试者(P = 0.02)。尽管在统计学上不显着,但Ex + AST的参与者往往会出现更大的疼痛减轻,总客观和主观PA增加以及身体机能增加。没有发现对关节炎自我效能的影响。结论尽管参与者参加了相同的锻炼计划,但接受AST的参与者与接受健康教育的参与者相比,在事后测试中的PA倾向于增加更多。需要进一步的研究来检查较大的样本和AST的长期影响。



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